Work Packages
The SONETOR project aims at developing a training platform that will integrate existing social networking applications with modern adult education methodologies in lifelong learning and specially produced content and services, in order to assist Cultural Mediators in developing formal and non-formal skills and competences and in applying them during their work with immigrants.
The overall SONETOR project work plan is the following:
WP1 – Management
SONETOR management team aims at ensuring effective and efficient management of all project activities in the planned time for the achievement of planned results according to financial availability and rules.
WP2 – User Needs Analysis
The SONETOR project research team conducts a comparative research in order to clearly define cultural mediators’ competences, skills and training needs as well as a general professional profile of cultural mediator within the context of European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning.
WP3 – Production of training contents
The SONETOR project “Training of Cultural Mediators Utilizing New Social Networking Software» delivers specific training based on cultural mediators’’ training needs identified through the comparative research. The training course combines peer learning and adult education pedagogical principles with the help of social networking services and innovative digital content, in order to foster the development of a European learning community of Cultural Mediators.
WP4 – Development of the social networking training platform
The SONETOR project portal will contain a training platform composed of social networking tools serving as a focal communication point for European Cultural Mediators and other stakeholders, as well as a highly interactive, efficient digital content composed mainly of videos, but also containing text, wikis, forums etc., and three peer learning scenarios on topics related to the everyday practice of Cultural Mediators, such as Health, Education, Public services, etc.
WP5 – Training and Pilot Deployment
The training and Pilot Deployment of the SONETOR project includes deployment and test planning, Training of Core Users Group and Realization of Training Scenarios.
WP6 – Promotion, Awareness and Dissemination
The Promotion and Awareness WP manages all activities realized in order to promote a vast participation of key stakeholders in the project and a wide diffusion of SONETOR’S aims and objectives. Dissemination involves all activities planned and carried out in order to provide key actors with information on the quality, relevance, effectiveness and results of initiatives accomplished.
WP7 – Exploitation
Exploitation WP incorporates all activities developed in order to support the sustainability of the project and mainstreaming the successful results and best practices of the SONETOR project so as to increase the project impact.
WP8 – Evaluation
The main aim of Evaluation WP is to create specific tools and instruments in order to realize effective monitoring and evaluation of all project activities and outcomes.